Changes to BIBS Dummies

We currently have a couple of options available for BIBS Dummies in our store, so wanted to give you a little recap of the difference between the two, as we know it’s a little confusing. Even though they are priced differently, both are for the same, genuine BIBS Dummies.
There has recently been a change of Australian distributor for BIBS Dummies, which will simplify how the dummies are supplied in the future. During the transition period you will notice two options for purchasing the dummies – our popular Mix and Match packs for $14.95 and new pre-packaged packs for $19.95. This blog explains the difference so you can purchase both with confidence, while still getting the colour combinations you love!
Our popular Mix and Match packs are packed by our team on demand, offering the best flexibility to choose the perfect BIBS Dummy colour combination for your babe. These are packed in kraft packaging and supplied with all required product safety and care information, with multiple twin-packs packed in the same packaging to keep costs down and reduce unnecessary waste. Unfortunately, we can only continue to sell these Mix and Match packs while current stock lasts and once we have run out of stock, we will no longer provide this flexible option. You will start to see a reduction in the colours available, as we are start to run out of colours. The biggest benefit of our Mix and Match packs is not only do you get the flexibility to choose multiple colours per pack, they’re still only $14.95 per twin-pack (and will be until we run out)!
The new BIBS Dummies now come packaged direct from the distributor, which will ensure consistency for the packaging in the long term, however the RRP has increased to $19.95 per twin-pack. Please note the dummies are exactly the same, it is only the packaging that has been updated and will now be consistent across all retailers within Australia. There is no choice for the colour selection within each twin-pack, however we will continue to stock our bestselling colours, including some multi-colour packs, as provided by the distributor. Our stock may be limited in the short term, as we are only able to purchase stock in set releases while the new distributor is working towards consistent supply direct from Denmark. This is a short term issue only and there is no need to purchase excessive quantities.
Other than the update in packaging and colour selections, they’re still the same great BIBS Dummies you know and love. Between our Mix and Match packs and the new packs (which we have tried to restock in colours that we have run out of), you can still get a huge selection of BIBS Dummies at a great price. For the best selection of colours and at the best price, we recommend a combination of both!
Which size BIBS Dummies is best for my baby?

BIBS Dummies Size Comparison (L-R: Size 1, Size 2, Size 3)
We often get asked about the best size for younger babies, so here’s a quick run down on BIBS Dummies sizing to help you make the best choice for your babe. Size 1 and 2 are very similar in size and BIBS Dummies are known to be on the smaller side of other dummies available in the market.
There is minimal difference between Size 1 and 2 with Size 1 being slightly shorter in the stem, which is designed to help with the newborn gag reflex. The shape and tip of the teat are very similar to the Size 2 and for this reason some customers will only use Size 1 for a couple of months before switching to Size 2, however this will depend on your baby and their individual preferences. Size 2 is suitable up to around 18 months of age. Size 3 jumps up to a considerably larger size and shape teat, and is thicker through the stem. These are best suited to toddlers from 18 months.
Does your BIBS Dummy look larger than a new one in the same size?
Don’t forget to change your BIBS Dummies every 4-6 weeks as the teats will expand due to the sucking action and a used dummy may appear noticeably larger than a new one. BIBS Dummies are made with natural rubber and feature a vented teat, which is designed for flexibility and to support a natural sucking action, however this means they can also expand over time. Changing your dummies regularly will help to minimise the difference between a new and used dummy and will ensure your babe swaps over with ease.

very nice blog thanks for posting.